What is Soul Level Intuitive Coaching?®
What exactly is Soul Level Intuitive Coaching®? It’s a way to find out a lot about yourself directly from the Universe!
“That’s a Well-Trained Dog.”
When a jogger complimented me on having a well-trained dog - Lukas had something to say about it.
Rick Springfield Revelation
Music certainly raises my vibration! Which, at a recent Rick Springfield, concert helped me uncovered a Negative Belief with a Workaround.
Thank you for the Animal Lessons in June
June was an amazing month of lessons from the animals! I wanted to share them with you because they told me that while they were for their humans - there is also something in them for all of us.
Love Yourself. Change the World.
My Guides shared some advice for me in how I can help the world in these increasingly bizarre and contentious times. It all starts with Love. Loving myself and helping others do the same.
Leadership and Soul Level Intuitive Coaching®
Throughout my career, I would suppress my innate leadership ability in ways I didn’t realize. My Negative Beliefs and Work Arounds were holding me back. I wasn’t getting the promotions that would put me in the ultimate leadership role time and time again. And I couldn’t figure out why as my performance reviews were always really good.
Message from the Hawk
Ever notice hawks being pestered by smaller birds as they soar? I usually think it’s about being David to the proverbial Goliath. My most recent encounter shared a new insight.
Lukas As My Feet
Lukas has been super clingy lately which has led to humbling conversations. And synchronicity kicks in to help boil down the message when i went to rename this image file.
Breaking Down to Grow
For growth to happen, we have to go through a breaking-down process. And when we invest that time in ourselves, amazing new things emerge!
More than a Soap Dispenser
When you buy your first fancy soap dispenser and you realize it’s not a frivolity. It’s actually a celebration of working through a Negative Belief!
Lukas and the Long Lead
Guess what? Yup, you guessed it. Lukas is working with me on a new chapter of our ongoing lesson plan. This time, we’re actually going deeper into TRUST.
“Do small things with great love.”
A gift and the Pope’s Christmas Eve homily inspire me to notice the littleness.
Camels and Botox?
Did you know that there is an annual beauty competition for camels? I didn’t know anything about it until yesterday news broke that many of the camels were disqualified because their humans were injecting them with Botox! Well, the camels have a larger message to share!
Separation Anxiety is a Lesson
Is separation anxiety really about the dog? Or is it about separation from ourselves?
It was a dark and stormy night…
We’re moving again. Our post-Alaska landing pad isn’t close enough to attend to my aging parents. A storm dubbed “Coming Home” is triggering the negative beliefs I hold for myself - and my guides felt a late-night writing session might just help clear my skies.
You Have a Message!
The whales have been trying to get ahold of me to deliver a message. Find out how I was able to receive it. You can do it too!