You Have a Message!
Every now and then, an animal that I haven’t seen in real life makes it presence known to me. The other day, it was the whale.
I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I’m a bit far from whales so how in the heck did the Whale contact me?
Through Google, of course!
You see, all of what we see, hear, experience, feel, sense on a daily basis is energy. We’re all energy and we’re all connected. “We” being humans but also animals, plants, insects, mountains, oceans - and the internet. That’s how intuition works - by tapping into this greater energy that makes up what we are and our every day lives. (and that’s why everyone can do my job!)
So - the other day, Penelope Smith - a mother of animal communication - wrote a blog post about how the whales are asking for our help. I read it and was very moved. I didn’t delete it - I kept in in my inbox. Funny thing was, over the next several days, every time I opened my email app on my phone - it immediately went right to that email and the main image of a whale that she used. Every. Single. Time.
Then, I was out and about somewhere in the small town where I live and someone, out of the blue, started talking about whales and the oceans and recycling bottles to clean things up. And - knowing that I where I live isn’t too progressive in recycling let alone keeping the oceans clean - I thought - hmmmm there’s that whale again.
After getting back home, I checked my email and Wham! I get an email announcing this wonderful book on Whales is out in paperback and it’s something I must read.
Okay, I said to the Universe, I give. What does the Whale want me to know? With that, I googled it.
Yup - you read that right. When the my guides or the universe alert me that something is trying to send me a message, I google “(insert animal name here) totem” and read the very first thing that comes up.
(see? anyone can do my job!)
The results said this: “The whale spirit animal is the earth's record keeper for all time. As a totem, the whale teaches you about listening to your inner voice…”
Whoa. This is huge for me. I have a hard time listening to my inner voice when it (aka my guides) tell me to speak up or take charge or, of late, have faith. And I’ve really been struggling with the “have faith” of late. Faith that everything is going to work out fine.
This message hit me hard.
I wanted more info so I clicked on the link and read on.
“The whale spirit animal is the earth’s record keeper for all time. As a totem, the whale teaches you about listening to your inner voice, understanding the impact your emotions have on your everyday life, and following your own truth. When the whale enters your life, it may be time to closely examine where you are, the actions and emotions that have brought you to this point, and what you can do to alleviate existing drama and unrest and find peace.”
Whoa. The three tasks this paragraph outlines really resonated with me. I have been, of late, closely examining where I am geographically as well as emotionally. One of these “places” is in dealing with anger that, quite frankly, I didn’t know I had buried so deep down until I worked with my own Intuitive Coach as well as a couple of intuitive colleagues of mine. Now that I’m aware of it and where it stems from - as well as what can trigger it - I am able to observe situations in a different way. What’s really freeing is that I can then choose to act differently. It’s like I can feel anger tickling me when something transpires and instead of reacting - I’m able to take a beat and acknowledge that whatever it is, just ticked me off. Now that I see my anger, I can listen to what really, from my past, triggered it. And in that moment, it dissolves and I am able to see the situation from a new perspective. It’s a work in progress - but I am finding it to be quite eye-opening. The slightest changes around this awareness are really making the most profound shifts in my life and what’s going on around me.
Recognizing that the coincidences of encountering whales in the course of a few days, was actually the universe sending me a message is synchronicity at its finest.
Whale calling for you ma’am - please proceed to Google for Whale Totem message!
Photo by Jorge Vasconez on Unsplash