What is Soul Level Intuitive Coaching?®
What exactly is Soul Level Intuitive Coaching®? It’s a way to find out a lot about yourself directly from the Universe!
Leadership and Soul Level Intuitive Coaching®
Throughout my career, I would suppress my innate leadership ability in ways I didn’t realize. My Negative Beliefs and Work Arounds were holding me back. I wasn’t getting the promotions that would put me in the ultimate leadership role time and time again. And I couldn’t figure out why as my performance reviews were always really good.
Lukas As My Feet
Lukas has been super clingy lately which has led to humbling conversations. And synchronicity kicks in to help boil down the message when i went to rename this image file.
Breaking Down to Grow
For growth to happen, we have to go through a breaking-down process. And when we invest that time in ourselves, amazing new things emerge!
More than a Soap Dispenser
When you buy your first fancy soap dispenser and you realize it’s not a frivolity. It’s actually a celebration of working through a Negative Belief!
Lukas and the Long Lead
Guess what? Yup, you guessed it. Lukas is working with me on a new chapter of our ongoing lesson plan. This time, we’re actually going deeper into TRUST.
“Do small things with great love.”
A gift and the Pope’s Christmas Eve homily inspire me to notice the littleness.
Camels and Botox?
Did you know that there is an annual beauty competition for camels? I didn’t know anything about it until yesterday news broke that many of the camels were disqualified because their humans were injecting them with Botox! Well, the camels have a larger message to share!
Separation Anxiety is a Lesson
Is separation anxiety really about the dog? Or is it about separation from ourselves?
It was a dark and stormy night…
We’re moving again. Our post-Alaska landing pad isn’t close enough to attend to my aging parents. A storm dubbed “Coming Home” is triggering the negative beliefs I hold for myself - and my guides felt a late-night writing session might just help clear my skies.
You Have a Message!
The whales have been trying to get ahold of me to deliver a message. Find out how I was able to receive it. You can do it too!