“Do small things with great love.”
I opened the package a dear friend sent me to reveal a key chain that says “Mother Teresa” on one side and the above quote on the other.
I was wow’d when I saw Mother Teresa’s name because she is one of the Ascended Masters who guides me every day. (queue the synchronicity tingles!!) This gift alerted me that my Guides were about to share with me to a new series of lessons. What, exactly, I didn’t know until I decided to watch the Christmas Eve Mass from the Vatican.
I actually don’t go to Mass anymore. Haven’t since the seventh grade because of what my catechism teacher told me - which is another story for another time. For the most part, I’ve shied away from Catholicism. And, in fact, I don’t even think of myself as religious but I would say I’m spiritual. I know there is a larger consciousness, Source, Divine, whatever you want to call it - something that I tap into when I speak with animals and my Guides. Something, to which, we all belong. But the Church has been off-putting to me - until Pope Francis came along. There is something about him that intrigues me and I find myself, every year, watching the Christmas Eve Mass. And for some reason, this year, I paid super close attention to his homily - actually reading the English translation aloud while he spoke in Italian.
This year, he said, “That is where God is, in littleness.”
(queue my new Mother Teresa keychain ringing like Clarence’s bell in “It’s a Wonderful Life”)
The broader context of his statement was the description of a baby Jesus, born into poverty, “ just a poor child wrapped in swaddling clothes, with shepherds (my Germanic last name means Shepherd!) standing by” juxtaposed with “the first Emperor (Caesar Augustus) in all his grandeur.” The Pope went on to say “God does not rise up in grandeur, but lowers himself into littleness. Littleness is the path that he chose to draw near to us, to touch our hearts, to save us and to bring us back to what really matters.”
Littleness. The Little Things. I started connecting the dots I had been shown lately that demonstrate how all creatures on Earth are connected (regardless of what some humans believe). For example, I read “Finding the Mother Tree” last month and learned how trees and fungus work together to build forests. Without their collaboration - we wouldn’t have most of the things we need to survive. Their partnership is even a model for how our brains are built, how our bodies function and how our communities can thrive. It’s a blueprint for a better world. And it all starts with Littleness.
My guides highlighted the message of the Pope’s homily and my new Mother Teresa key chain. They suggested I begin a practice of finding and honoring the littleness around me - and sharing it with all of you. I consider this a new piece of pie that I am bringing to the party. This is going to be fun!
And so I begin, with this first bit of Littleness - this blog post. And soon, I will share another example. Then, another and another and so on and so forth. It’ll be interesting to see what Littleness my Guides will steer my way and the messages they will bring!
I would love it if you joined me and find Littleness around you. Let me know what you discover!
My gift from my friend, my guides and the Universe. The inspiration behind The Littleness Project. (notice the little Lukas hairs (aka glitter)! He’s going to play along as well!)