Love Yourself. Change the World.
I enjoy current affairs. If you watch my YouTube show with Kate Foggo, you know that I often bring up topics that are in the news. But I have to say, I feel utterly punched in the gut right now. And I’m feeling more than a little lost. Because, I ask myself, what can I do? I want to go out and fight! Fight for truth, fight for justice, fight for so many things! But I know that fighting only leads to more fighting and after a millennia (or longer) of fighting - we sorely need a very different approach. One that opens up hearts instead of continually breaking them.
How can we do that in a world where listening to understand (instead of listening to prove you wrong) seems to be a lost art. Especially when it seems we have a small group of people who are making new rules that are totally based in FEAR. This small group of people is afraid of and believes that God only punishes, money is a finite resource and anything outside of what they deem “normal” is bad. If only they could see that God (or whatever name you prefer) is only love! Money (or whatever value system anyone wants to use) is infinite! There is no “normal” because we are all the Divine having a human experience. We are here to co-create for the greater and higher good and in that - we, our monetary system, our love is limitless!
Oh… but then I watch the news and I see so much HATE. Hate that stems from Fear. Have you ever noticed that about 99% of the headlines are based in Fear? No wonder there is so much reactivity and negativity! It is making us insane.
So what is a person to do? I turned to my Guides and this is what they shared with me.
“Right now, the world needs love. Humans need to find their way back to loving themselves. They have lost the ability to find love within. They continue to seek it outside of themselves and are disconnected from their true selves. They have forgotten their mission of love. When they are able to find their way back to the love within - which is also the love from Source - then and only then will the world truly come together. Everyone and everything with be cared for. To prioritize loving yourself is the biggest gift you can give all of humanity. When you love yourself, it ripples out to all. And when you share that love - you can see the Divine in everyone. You are able to love everyone despite what ideology they follow. When you can see the Divine in everyone else, others will begin to see that, in fact, it is actually easier to care for one another than to withhold loving compassion and kindness. It is easier to love others as one loves oneself. And all of this squabbling over who gets to have what ceases because everyone sees that everyone can easily have access to everything - because everything is limitless. They can see that resources are actually infinite. There is no need to exclude. There is no need to power-grab or withhold something from others. Co-creation doesn’t exclude - it only creates growth and expansion! What you give is indeed what you receive. And it starts within each one of us.”
It’s time to do the work, my friends. We need to find ways to love and accept ourselves - just as we are. I know I’m trying! I continue to be aware of how my Negative Beliefs and Work Arounds keep me from my best self, a self based in love, not fear. I’m learning to be more compassionate toward myself. It’s helping me be even more compassionate toward others. Onwards and outwards it flows, , this compassion, this love. Like ripples in a pond. It starts with me.
Which reminds me of my favorite motto - now seen from a new perspective: If not me, then whom. If not now, then when.
Love Yourself. Change the World.
When you can find love within, it is easily shared with others.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash