My Word for 2023: TRUST
As everyone was creating and posting their New Years’ Resolutions, several people I follow like Radleigh Valentine, Chani Nicholas and Elise Loehnen were talking, instead, about their word for the year. I like that idea better. Finding a word to gravitate around to move us forward, instead of looking backward and thinking about what needs to be fixed. Not to mention that a word brings an element of flexibility with it because every word in the English language has a few definitions. And that room in meaning gives us room to grow.
At first, I chose SHIFT. Mostly because as I was down with Covid and had ample time to reflect; I reviewed my totem, my 2023 horoscope, my elemental soul map, and listened to the Z’s with Lee Harris. There is, indeed, a lot of shifting going on and I can feel how I’ve been shifting and continue to shift. However, Lukas - my dog, coach and business partner - suggested TRUST instead.
Seems this what he’s been working on with me for the last few months. And, oddly enough, the animal readings I have provided in the last bit of 2022 have all had elements of TRUST for my clients. This means that we are also woking on TRUST as a collective. (you can check out the Animal Lessons from December and January for more info.)
How are Lukas and I working on TRUST? Well, I thought it was about me trusting him to run off-leash in the preserve despite the leash law and the 100+ deer. Nope. He’s working with me to trust myself. And the more I work with on this lesson, the deeper we go and the more layers I find. I have discovered that I do not trust Julie. I haven’t for a long time, not since the Negative Belief of Not Worthy took hold around the age of 2. I learned, back then, to be someone other than me so that I would be accepted and not excluded. Any time I was Julie, I would be corrected, mocked or worse - ignored. It became clear to me, back then, that trusting what Julie wanted, what Julie had to say or share, and what Julie felt was not to be trusted. And so I stopped.
Lukas, however, knows that now is the time to let all of that go. This is why he is here. This is the baton he picked up from India and Bono. This is how he is working with my Guides. This is why he broke my leg 4 years ago. He’s been working really hard to get me to see that this next step in my growth, TRUST in myself, is a really big deal. And it’s the makings for a really cool, interesting and even scary 2023. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. (BTW - one of my Guides who has been helping me with letting-go, has now stepped forward to also help me with TRUST.)
What is your word for 2023? If you aren’t sure - ask your animal and/or your Guides. Let me know what you discover!
Me and Lukas - working on TRUST out in the nature preserve.