The Sharp-Shinned Hawk’s Message
I was working on my laptop when I heard the noise I always hate hearing - a small winged body hitting one of windows in our dining room. Despite all the decals and even some inventive drawings on the windows, we still get in the way of a few birds each year. And every time I hear that sound, I run to look and make sure she/he is okay.
When I looked out and down, I saw a flurry of wing prints in the snow. There was also some blood within that imprint. I thought “wow - an owl or something may have just found its next meal.” As I continued to look at the marking, I realized something was looking back at me. I lifted my gaze to the pine tree right outside my window and there - looking calmly right back at me - was a sharp-shinned hawk with its fresh meal of a starling between its talons.
I greeted it after my initial shock wore off. It was beautiful. Smaller than I had imaged and stunning. I took several pictures of it, posted it on my Birds of Alaska Facebook group to confirm the ID (I am a bird nerd, can’t help it) and went back to viewing it in full wonder.
When it went to take a break from its meal, it flew onto some other branches and turned to face me. I suddenly realized she had a message for me!
I heard her say "You see things very clearly now - sharper than before. Continue your focus - use that sight to guide you. Take what you need and no more. Find shelter with friends." (I had a knowing she meant the trees). "Spend time, quietly, sitting and watching and things will come into focus - will materialize - the things you need with materialize with quiet, focused introspection. Right in front of you is the thing that is most beautiful in this moment."
WOW! I thanked her for her message. It really hit a note with me.
You see, this experience took place right before the Winter Solstice. I could tell I was in serious need of some quiet time. And, wouldn’t you know, time among the trees in the Chugach Mountains is one way for me to recharge. I always feel like I’m going to Church when I go to the trees. It had been a busy, hectic period leading up to Solstice - meditation time was long overdue. So, during this holiday break, I heeded her message and have spent lots of time on my favorite trails in the Chugach and in the bog at the end of my street.
From her message and the subsequent time “sheltering with my friends,” I have found myself being able to focus more readily. I’ve realized that my schedule has become lighter, simpler. What I need to do to feed my soul and care for my family is available right in front of me, instead of being scheduled and then ignored because other people demanded my time. Because I’m now home all the time due to Covid and getting out of my long-time career, I’m finding the time and creative force to write.
Thank you Ms. Hawk for bringing that wisdom to my attention. I am so grateful of how the universe and all of her animals are working to help us tap into our higher self.
The Sharp-Shinned Hawk outside my window eating her meal of a Starling.