Filling My Plate: A Work-Around
At the end of 2022, I realized I was exhausted and needed to really look at what all was on my plate. I then got Covid which showed me how to really slow down. It cleared a lot from my plate.
And then…. February started and will you look at that?!?!? My plate is overflowing once again! What the heck?!?!?!?!
I talked with my Guides who showed me that heaping tasks and “jobs” back onto my plate is a consistent and familiar Work-Around that I’ve deployed for all of my 55 years to help me deal with feeling Not Worthy.
Oh you Negative Belief! How will you teach me? Let me count the ways - haha. In this video, I share more about this Work Around and what Conscious Choices I’ll be making, now that I’m aware of it.