First Day of a New School
I'm Lukas' pet parent. But most days, he's teaching me instead of the other way around.
Take yesterday, for example. He went to his first day at Namastay (great name, right?) in our new town. I was so nervous! What if he didn't get along with everyone? (he tells me "who's not to like?") What if he got out? (he says "and miss the doggie ice-cream? no way!") What if he misbehaved in any way? (he says "me?? #lukasisagoodboy misbehave? Pul-leeze!")
As I pulled away from house after dropping him off, I tuned into my guides (because having Lukas telling me it was all a-ok wasn't enough LOL). They helped me understand that I need to let go of controlling situations out of a fear of loss. I am always afraid of losing him, losing control, losing "things." But in that controlling coming from fear, I'm losing so much more. I'm losing trust! Lukas wants to me learn how to trust more. Trust him, trust the universe, trust new situations and people.
Our animals are always teaching us something - we just need to listen!
He had a great day yesterday, btw, as you can tell from this picture that Namastay took. Look at that smile!
Lukas says,
“See, mom? I’m fine!”
School bus image is by Element5Digital via Unsplash