Dead People, Past Lives and Timeline Shifts
I wrote a story about people who have passed away showing up in my Soul Level Animal Communication® readings recently on my Substack. The same events also occur in my Soul Level Intuitive Coaching® sessions. Because we’re looking at the exact moment a Negative Belief germinated for you, many times, it starts with a family member. Mom or Dad or siblings either did something or approached raising you through their own lenses of Negative Beliefs and/or generational trauma. Grandparents also show up with info about why you think the way you do about yourself and why you repeat patterns that you want to investigate. Whether the person who influenced you is currently alive or beyond the veil, it doesn’t matter. The Guides help us see what is needed for your growth and wholeness.
Past Lives can also play a role in Soul Level Intuitive Coaching® sessions particularly when, with The Guides, we’re going so deep to find that taproot of limiting beliefs that we need to see it at a karmic level. This is also where Timeline Shifts can also impact a session as the Guides can move time all over the place in an effort to help you see the various ways a Work Around Behavior is used and where you have opportunities for awareness and ultimately, Conscious Choice on how you want to to proceed the next time your Negative Belief is triggered.
You can read the full story I wrote about it and sign up for my Substack newsletter here. You’ll receive my free ebook when you do!
(sorry for the run-around. It’s a Google-thing. Thanks for clicking and understanding)
Photo by Photos_frompasttofuture on Unsplash